Saturday, August 8, 2020

Love and Obsession

It is said that, in love, each person should not surround completely his or her lover and give some ‘personal space’. True. But, seriously,  I have never got the point of personal space. Why a book lover would not like to be surrounded by the books in his room? If he does not like this, his or her claim of love is absurd!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Struggle: The Door to Happiness

Life will test you!

Life will disappoint you!

Life will make you extremely an unhappy person!

Life will break you!

Life will do everything to make you a loser


Unceasing struggle!

Unbreakable will!

Unparalleled hard work!

Hope in the darkness!

Commitment to your dreams!

Nothing but all these will turn you into a winner!

So, DON’T ever give up on your dreams because pain is temporary, and greatness is forever. Go grab them, buddy!




Image: Ibn-e-Adam

Perfection. This word has very much attraction to everyone in this world. Yes! I said to everyone! Do you think I am exaggerating this fact? Yes! you could think this way when you don’t know what the meaning of this word is! What it costs to complete its meaning. It takes a whole life to understand the meaning of this word. That is why, I think, only some people with beautiful, caring, and loving heart and patience in their mind and soul can only touch the true spirit of this word and make their lives perfect. 

As Perfection comes with innumerable hardships, worries, anxieties, and depression so the majority of the people take only shallow meanings of this word. But it takes decades, most of the time, to find the true meaning of perfection. One might think that having a girl with a stunning figure and physic, beautiful and expensive house at a glaring beech along with some costly Mercedes, healthy and good food, and dresses from the renowned boutique make a person’s life perfect. But it not true, for most of the people who know the depth of life. 

Perfection is when you dive into the ebbs of life and have someone with whom you touch the sky again; perfection is when you want to wait for some loved one whole night, and you think that you can wait for that person even for a whole life without uttering a single word of protest; perfection is when you start counting a single second in her absence and forget to eat in her presence; perfection is when she screams at you with anger and pain and you try to understand her and give her a tight hug and do not leave her alone to suffer; perfection is when you try to understand her at some point of life when the world is not ready to even look at her; perfection is when you know that she is not perfect, but you could not live a single moment without her; perfection is when you walk with her when she loses something precious in her life; perfection is when you think that you are nothing without her. To sum it up in just a line, perfection is when you start recognizing the depth, longing, and pain of others!!!

-Ibn e Adam